भवदीय निवेदक "ज्योतिष सेवा सदन "झा शास्त्री "{मेरठ उत्तर प्रदेश }

"झा शास्त्री "मेरठ {उत्तर प्रदेश }

रविवार, 19 सितंबर 2010

Mitr bandhu Aaj ki Ram-Ram swikar karen,

ime is the most rare luxury which couldn't be purchased at any cost,So wen some one spend it for u,it defines the depth of care that they have for u.
[Mitr bandhu aaj ki Ram-Ram swikar karen.]

1 टिप्पणी:

ज्योतिष सेवा सदन { पंडित कन्हैयालाल झा शास्त्री "}{मेरठ } ने कहा…

ime is the most rare luxury which couldn't be purchased at any cost,So wen some one spend it for u,it defines the depth of care that they have for u.
[Mitr bandhu aaj ki Ram-Ram swikar karen.]